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Deinstall existing smartSCRIPT software before carrying out a new installation. Connection to the printer Open the smartPRINTER. Fold out the of the printer ( All software is FREE of charge please see other downloads for manuals - OTHER DOWNLOADS WAGO smartPRINTER Software Download smartSCRIPT V. Auto-calibration button. You can start the calibration process (measure print material) on your smartPRINTER with the auto. Thermal transfer printer; Smart Printer; for complete control cabinet marking; 300 dpi; With marking material (4050821520993) Online at WAGO GB! Press [OK] to confirm the following instructions dialog box (Figure 3.2). Important: Uninstall the existing WAGO-smartSCRIPT-software before carrying WAGO Custom Labels How to mark WAGO labels using smartSCRIPT and the WAGO smartPRINTER. All software needed to accomplish these steps can be found at
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